Abacus – is the first device invented by man to simplify calculation process. So it is possible to say that abacus is the earliest ancestor of other counting devices from the simplest one to a computer.

The main idea of abacus is to separate some flat area into columns. Some objects: small pebbles, coins, counters are placed into these columns. Every column is equivalent to some digit in number record. These objects may have different number values. The value of object depends on in what column it is. So the algorithm of counting consists of pebbles transference from one position to another according to some rules.

Probably, originally any surface covered with dust or sand where lines were drawn could be used as abacus. Linguists think that the word “abacus” comes from the Semitic word meaning “dust”.

Abacus is more than 2500 years old. It existed in different countries, had serious evolution, and is still alive. So, these facts show that it is necessary to look carefully at abacus and try to understand its continuous vitality.

This site is devoted to the history of abacus and one of the types of abacus – the Russian stchoty – especially. The history of stchoty is very interesting, but it is almost totally unknown outside Russia. If we succeed to attract people's attention to the history of stchoty, the main goal of our project will be achieved.