Nickolay Ivanovich Kompaneisky (1848-1910) left a significant trace in the history of Russian culture as one of the most interesting composers and authoritative theorist of the so-called “New direction” in Russian sacred music. The founders of this direction were N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and P.I.Tchaikovsky, as well as such famous composers as A.T. Grechaninov, and S.V. Rakhmaninov. It is an interesting fact that N.I. Kompanesky did’t have any musical education. In his youth he attended physics-mathematical department of a university as an external student. Probably, the problem of calculations attracted his attention in this period of his life.

Boris Nickolaevich Kompaneisky (1885-1965) was a son of the “privileged double schoty” inventor N.I. Kompaneisky. B.N. Kompaneisky was a famous scientist of psychophysiology. He worked with the leading Moscow and St-Petersburg universities. In 1932 he was arrested. The reason was a faked criminal case: “case of evlogivtsevs”. In 1942 he found himself abroad. Later he worked in Berlin, Insbruk, La-Plata universities as professor. He died in Argentina. B.N. Kompaneisky was the author of several interesting belle-lettres works and his unpublished memories being saved in the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences.